About Dear Landlord

Dear Landlord is a free, self-help tool created by Justice Connect’s Homeless Law program.

Justice Connect designs and delivers high impact interventions to increase access to legal support and progress social justice.

Our Homeless Law program is Victoria’s specialist free legal service for people experiencing or at risk of homelessness. We specialise in preventing evictions into homelessness by offering integrated support from lawyers and social workers. We also work to challenge and change laws that unfairly impact on people experiencing or at risk of homelessness.

Our Home of Your Own tool is designed for Victorian renters affected by family violence to understand their rights and options for staying safely housed and to reduce the financial impacts of family violence.

Justice Connect is grateful to our funders for their generous support of Dear Landlord:

  • Helen Macpherson Smith Trust
  • Lord Mayors’ Charitable Foundation
  • Ian Potter Foundation
  • Ramsay Foundation

We particularly acknowledge the people with lived experience of housing insecurity, homelessness and financial instability, who shared their insights that directly contributed to the development of Dear Landlord.